What is CBS?

What is CBS?

HIV Case Based Surveillance (CBS) is part of HIV surveillance systems and involves the identification and reporting of newly diagnosed HIV infected persons and routine longitudinal follow-up of HIV cases beyond diagnosis.

The CBS system monitors the numbers and characteristics of:

  • Persons newly diagnosed with HIV (new cases).
  • Persons living with HIV (prevalent cases).
  • Immune status of HIV positive persons.
  • Uptake of ART among those diagnosed.
  • Changes in ART regimens.
  • Viral suppression among PLHIV.
  • Mortality among PLHIV.
  • Trends of key surveillance indicators: new cases, prevalent cases, viral suppression, deaths.

In addition, the CBS system has flexibility to monitor other programmatic indicators including:

  • Time from diagnosis to starting ART
  • Retention on ART rates
  • Timely measures and documentation of viral load and CD4 count
  • Appropriate assignments of ART regimens